How to Grow Your TikTok Community
While building a healthy and engaged community on Instagram can take a long time, on TikTok the process is much simpler and easier. Although TikTok’s algorithm is not fully understood, many experts claim that the social network suggests content to a small group of people on publication. If this content performs well with this small group then the content is automatically offered to a much larger number of users. This is why many influencers on this platform can get over 500,000 views on one video and less than 50,000 on another.
Getting tonnes of views is great! But increasing your follower count is even better! Influence4You shows you how to go about it.
Be creative and original!
In the ‘For You’ tab, it is easy to see the videos promoted by TikTok’s algorithm: most of them are between 10 and 20 seconds and feature the latest hits. These videos also have between 1 and 3 hashtags in their descriptions, usually those that are trending. Make sure to be original! Don’t reuse your YouTube videos or other media on TikTok as the format and audience are not suitable! On TikTok the tone is very light-hearted. Music and dance are key and the format is very short. No long-winded tutorials like on YouTube!
Influencer Charli D’amelio shares dance videos, makeup demos and her daily life with her community of 145 M followers. The short format is ideal, and her followers are always asking for more.
Follow and take part in TikTok challenges
To build your community and get followers on TikTok it’s essential to follow the codes of the platform. There are trending challenges every week: have a look for them and if they fit your branding, give them a go. This helps you to be easily found with the challenges’ hashtags. Your challenge video will then be automatically promoted by the algorithm allowing you to reach more new users. Most of the time challenges are quite simple: you dance to a specific track, do acro yoga poses, or present yourself.
For inspiration, check out our article on ’10 Trending TikTok challenges in 2022’.
4.5 million views just for this very simple dance!
Make use of TikTok’s features
The Duo feature on TikTok allows you to collaborate with other creators by putting your video next to theirs. The Collage feature uses the same principle but allows you to take a part of the video from another account and react to it. Both of these unique TikTok features are really powerful and can help you reach a new audience, and get new followers! Why? Because the original users’ followers are automatically notified if you use these tools! Imagine how many potential followers you could get if you use a video from a star influencer!
This feature is very often used by influencers who react to other influencers’ posts. To see this in action, check out top cosmetics influencer Hyram who has really mastered TikTok’s features. He has more than 6 M followers.
Be active!
Don’t fall for the automation tools offered by many websites. Spend time interacting with the community on TikTok yourself. With your own and that of others. Like, comment and share content from other content creators and build relationships with other influencers, whether in your field or not. Take inspiration from trends and what others are doing to create the best content you can.
Use the video feature to reply to comments or messages from your followers. They’ll be notified and this may encourage others to react to your posts too!
Post often
You’ve got to post regularly! Why? Because TikTok users are always hungry for new content! TikTok is THE social network for surfing and users spend hours scrolling through countless videos. If you’re worried about not having time to post regularly, don’t hesitate to use tools such as Preview or Later to plan all your posts in advance. There are lots of tools that can make life easier on social networks. We shared some of our favourites in our article ‘10 Tools for Influencers’.

Post when your audience is likely to be online
For maximum engagement and perhaps new followers as well, it is essential to post at times when your audience and users in general are most active. Posting at the wrong times will garner very little engagement as your post ends up lost in the feed. Influence4You can help you find out the best time to post on TikTok.
Stay informed
Keep up to date with all the latest social media trends. Stay on top of any challenges or popular posts so that you can join in and boost your engagement too. Follow other influencers in your field, see what engages their community and get inspired!
To help with this, you can download our free eBook: ‘TikTok A Creative Guide: 50 Creative Ideas for Your Influencer Marketing Campaigns’

Feel free to check out other articles at Influence4You to stay informed and get valuable tips on how to grow your audience, engagement and account. Want help finding campaigns between brands and influencers? Get in touch!