How to save time on your influencer campaigns?

How to save time on your influence campaigns?

Yes, influencer marketing is time-consuming!

From searching for influencers, initiating contact, negotiating terms (whether it’s paid or not), creating the brief, checking posts, to tracking performance, managing an entire influencer campaign is a heavy task, and it’s no myth.

Fortunately, there are tools available to ease this burden, but it’s important to equip yourself well so that managing a campaign becomes a breeze, and that’s where Influence4You comes in! Want to save time on your influencer campaigns? The Project Module of the Influence4You influencer platform is made for you.

5 Steps to Manage Your Influencer Campaigns

Influence4You guides you through your campaigns in 5 steps:

1- Search for influencers that match your criteria among 275 million profiles.

2- Select the best influencers by comparing detailed statistics: engagement rate, fake followers, audience type, etc.

Data on the influencer's audience

3- Track the progress of your projects at a glance.

4- Centralize contracts, invoices, content and manage your ROI.

5- Analyze the performance of your campaigns precisely

Simple and practical, right?

With the Project module, collaborate with the influencers you want. It’s the complete suite for project management and influencer relations:

  • Unlimited creation of influence projects
  • Customizable & dynamic reporting module
  • Budget management and campaign expenses
  • Dematerialized influencer contracts with YouSign
  • Influencer search among 275M profiles
  • Access to influencer files with HypeAuditor stats
  • Customizable influencer tags and lists
  • Tracking of trends and publications
  • Centralization of your publications

And the cherry on top: all our offers are non-binding 😉

Launch your campaign and save time!

💻 Request a demo by contacting us here!

💡 Want to know more, visit our Influence4You website.

Ecrit par Kevin Le Guyader

Marketing Manager

Brands, agencies!

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