How to Make Money With Your Blog?
Successful bloggers are entrepreneurs who’ve managed to build an audience by creating informative content, for a large number of users looking for a particular topic. There are many ways to make money with your blog. Influence4You shares a few of them.
Create rich and varied content
To get many unique visitors to your page, which will allow you to monetise your blog, you’ll have to create content regularly, be creative or an expert in your field and not shy away from heading in different directions depending on your readers’ profile and the way they respond to your content. It can be discouraging at first not to get many hits on your blog, but it’s a good idea to take your time and dedicate as many months to the project as needed.
Make a blog dedicated to your passion or to an area you particularly like or in which you are an expert. This’ll allow you to really have a voice of your own and stand out.
In order for people to find your blog, don’t hesitate to do SEO research, and use the right keywords, adapted to your field. For example, you can use the UberSuggest tool, which works great for this type of task. The free version allows you to make a few searches a day.

For those of you who already have large audiences – excellent – here are our tips to make money from your blog.
Know your audience
To monetise your blog optimally, you need to understand your audience and analyse them. Thanks to the various data collected by Google, you can find out the exact profile of your visitors. It is useful to know the gender of your audience: are there as many women as men, for example? Is the audience predominantly female? Age is also an important factor. Geographical location is key. The connection time on your pages is also valuable information as it shows the quality of your content.
If you want to work with brands to monetise your blog, this data will be essential, as brands already have well-identified targets, which should match yours.
Working with brands as an influencer
Brands have increasingly large influencer marketing budgets and need bloggers to reach niche targets specific to their market. This is why we said above that it is very important to know your target audience. These collaborations may be in the form of free products to start with, but can be monetised at sometimes very high prices depending on your audience.
Always keep in mind your editorial line and objectivity if you partner with brands. Your audience loves you and follows you for this and if you choose to promote product that does not fit your target or that you don’t really like, you risk losing your precious audience.
Be transparent by making it clear that the product has been offered to you or that it’s a partnership, so as not to violate the FTC’s Endorsement Guides. For example, you can disclose the partnership at the beginning of the post.
You can do all of this yourself, via an agency or use a specialised platform like Influence4You (Influence4You’s platform for connecting influencers with brands). This’ll allow you to have direct access to brands and ongoing campaigns, without wasting time on solicitation and focusing solely on content creation.
Affiliate marketing as a way of earning money for your blog
If you think you’d enjoy testing products in a particular sector, you can register as an affiliate with specialised platforms or directly with the brands or websites that interest you.
Unlike a cost-per-view payment, affiliate marketing is beneficial for brands that pay commissions on sales or sign ups. They are therefore more willing to set up an affiliate system as they’ll only spend if they sell. It’s up to the blogger to put it all together by creating creative or informative content, making people want to buy the product and providing purchase links.
This system is a great way to generate passive income because as long as your article is online and well indexed with the right keywords, potential buyers will be able to find it easily, read the blog post and buy the product.
You’ll need to disclose that it’s an affiliation to avoid false advertising, as in the case of partnerships between brands and influencers.
Advertising can provide a revenue stream from your online content. The more traffic and popularity your site gets, the more advertising revenue you can expect. You can offer the advertising space on your site directly to advertisers via a direct agreement, or you can go through Google Adsense.
As Google explains here, “adSense serves ads that are relevant to the content that appears on a specific page of your blog. For example, if your blog is about adventure travel and you’ve just uploaded a post about your stay in Rekyavik, AdSense might show an ad about travel insurance, Iceland or warm clothing. As the owner of the site where the ad is appearing, AdSense pays you when a user views or interacts with an ad”.
The tool allows you to simulate earnings depending on your region and your audience, so a blog getting more than 10,000,000 views per month in beauty and fitness can expect to generate more than 800,000 US dollars in advertising revenue per year! 10,000,000 views is, of course, quite ambitious, but who says you can’t dream!
Sell your own products or services
You may have already promoted another brand’s product, either as part of a collaboration or on an affiliate system. Why not create your own products so you can directly control the margins and profits generated?
Many of the leading bloggers have already launched their own lines. For example, beauty experts with their own make-up ranges – but you don’t have to aim so high to begin with. For example, you can come up with simple printed T-shirts, mugs, or other gadgets that you like and that suit your brand. You can promote them directly in your posts and sell them. Some specialised sites such as Spreadshop offer white label products that can be personalised and that are already ready to be integrated.
Some bloggers also use dropshipping to sell products without any stock. Be careful with this technique, however, as it has been widely criticised by consumers as of late. If one of your loyal readers buys a product from you, it means they trust you. If they receive a package from a Chinese supplier, easily found on Chinese retail platforms, you’ll lose all credibility with your audience. Choose items that are already available in France or Europe and work with trustworthy suppliers.
For a real difference, you could create the products yourself by hand if you feel like playing designer. Otherwise you can decide to have them made by specialists.
You can also sell services such as coaching or other support in your field. If you position yourself as an expert in your industry in your articles, you’ll have the credibility to do so and generate more income from your blog traffic.
Learn more
As you can see, Influence4You can help you monetise your blog with a variety of potential partnerships with brands. Don’t hesitate to sign up to our influencer platform.