New Plugin to access influencer statistics on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube
Finding the right influencer for a project is a challenging task. Is their engagement rate sufficient? Is their community authentic? Will working with them help me achieve my goals?
Our Plugin (compatible with Chrome and Firefox) will give you FREE access to influencer statistics on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.
Download the Influence4You Plugin on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox for free!

Check the quality of the influencer’s audience
This extension gives you access to:
- Audience quality level
- Engagement rate
- Credibility of subscribers (% of real and fake subscribers)
- Socio-demographic statistics (gender, age, languages, countries)
- Similar profiles

Enrich your influencer database
You can also easily create your own database of Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube influencers by saving them to your lists.
Download the Influence4You Plugin on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox for free!

Download the Influence4You Plugin on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox for free!
Are you a brand or an agency looking to equip yourself with the best influencer platform? Contact us for assistance!