Instagram Engagement Rate Calculator

Instagram Engagement Rate calculator

Instagram Engagement Rate calculator

Instagram Engagement Rate Calculator



There are several reasons why measuring engagement is essential. The engagement rate (ER) of an influencer’s Instagram account tells you whether your content matches the interests of the Influencer’s followers. If your audience does not interact much with your content, then it doesn’t matter how large no. of followers does the influencer has.


What is Instagram Engagement?

Most engagement rates take the number of post engagements (likes, shares, story views, and comments) into consideration. It is an important metric to choose the right influencer. Hence, calculating the engagement rate gives you an idea of how engaged is an influencer’s audience. A low engagement level indicates that the audience does not like the content. If most of the influencer’s followers are fake it will have an extremely low engagement rate. 


In 2020, the average Engagement Rate (ER) on Instagram was 4.41%. The engagement Rate on Instagram has a strong correlation with the number of followers. Therefore, when evaluating someone’s Instagram Engagement, you should never compare ER of an influencer with 10K followers and an influencer with 1M followers.


Following is the list of average Instagram Engagement Rate calculated for 2020:-

  • avg. ER is 8.11% (1K to 5K followers)
  • avg. ER is 4.11% (5K to 20K followers)
  • avg. ER is 3.65% (20K to 100K followers) 
  • avg. ER is 3.27% (100K to 500K followers)
  • avg. ER is 3,26% (500K to 1M followers) 
  • avg. ER is 2.89% (1M to + ∞ followers)


The highest engagement rate seen on Instagram was between 35 and 40%. But in most cases, it was noticed that the influencers use automated tools to generate engagement on their posts which increases the number of likes and comments artificially. But no worries, An influence marketing platform like Influence4you helps you to detect false activities and fake followers.


The influencer’s performance


How do you Calculate Instagram Engagement Rate?

When doing Influencer Marketing, brands usually focus on how large an audience does the influencer has. But the collaboration should start with the evaluation of the quality of an Influencer’s following. Therefore, use the engagement calculator for Instagram to know the essential statistics of your account. This is especially important for influencers who are willing to pursue brand deals.


To calculate an engagement rate effectively, you can use the following formula:

Instagram Engagement Rate = (Likes + Comments)/Followers * 100%

Note: This formula is based on 12 recent posts in a profile. 


Now what? Do you think calculating the engagement rate for each and every influencer based on their number of posts will be time-consuming? 


Hence, Influencer4You offers you its FREE chrome plugin to calculate the engagement rate. You can use this free plugin which helps you to get instant insights and ensures accurate results on how well does the influencer’s Instagram account performs. 


engagement rate calculator



To conclude:

Engagement is a meaningful post-interaction. The influencer you choose for collaboration can take you high or break your influencer campaign. By using our free plugin to calculate the engagement rate, you can measure the quality of an influencer’s relationship with their audience.


You will be able to get more conversions if your influencer has a strong relationship with their followers. Once you understood how engagement rates work, you can use this information to improve the quality of your influencer campaigns over time.


Ecrit par Jessim Heddadi

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