Influence4you & Dior commit to the association with “”! #Diorlovechain

Influence4you & Dior commit to the association with « »! #Diorlovechain

In order to reinforce the Communication  Campaign « What would you do for love ? » for the Miss Dior perfume, represented by the muse of the brand: Natalie Portman, the brand Christian Dior wanted to set up an Influencer Campaign to raise funds for the association“WE” CHARITY ORGANIZATION.

This organization aims to improve the education for girls and young women in more than 45 countries around the world.

For each post photo or video on Instagram with the hashtag #Diorlovechain, Christian Dior Parfums would donate $ 1 to the organization.

Campaign Announcement by Natalie Portman:

In order to raise more attention and actions from the social media audience, we collaborated with 7 diversified influencers in France, launched 2 phases Campaign on their most popular social accounts: Laura  [ Lifestyle Blogger : Avenue of Reveries ], Coralie [ Lifestyle & Travel Blogger: Elles en parlent ], Madison Ramaget [ Fashion & Beauty Blogger ] , Marion [ Travel & Luxe Blogger : The Lady Jersey ], Estelle [ Fashion & Beauty Blogger: Estelle Blog Mode ] , Richard2609 & Maroua [ Beauty Youtubers; a collaboration with Sephora ].

We have designed 2 phases campaign for this communication objective :

Phase 1 : Warm-up Campaign “ What would you do for love?”  

The first part of the campaign was to post a video teaser on Instagram to raise the question of “ What would you do for love ? ”. These teasers aroused huge attentions and the sensitivity of  their followers:


Madison Ramaget :

Estelle blog mode :

Richard & Maroua :

Une publication partagée par Richard ✨ (@richaard2609) le 16 Sept. 2017 à 7h21 PDT

Phase 2: #DiorLoveChain Online Contest Announcement

After warming up their community,  each influencer posted a full video on their social networks (Instagram/ Blog / Youtube / Snapchat/ Facebook / Twitter) to illustrate what they would be willing to do for the love while inviting their subscribers to do the same as well as asking them to share their opinions with the hashtag #DiorLoveChain.

Campaign Performance

46 social contents [ Blog/ Instagram & Facebook & Twitter posts /  Snapchat / Youtube Videos ] were created by 7 influencers in 2 phases campaign, for a total reach of 4,046,900 people including 3,758,900 views on Instagram!

These 7 collaborated influencers were very active and involved in this campaign and therefore created more contents than required. The campaign engagement was higher than any other branded contents they have produced and Dior parfums was very satisfied with this Influence Marketing Campaign that lead to numerous others and an ongoing successful collaboration ever since.


Looking to use influencers in your campaign? Contact us here:

Ecrit par Stéphane Bouillet

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