Is Influencer Marketing a ROI-Driven Medium?

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Influencer marketing is often seen as a powerful tool in marketers’ arsenals. However, it’s important to understand that, contrary to what one might think, influencer marketing is not a purely ROI-driven medium, which focuses exclusively on direct sales. And this is not a problem. On the contrary, it makes it an incredibly versatile and comprehensive medium.

A Truly ROI-Driven Medium?

By definition, a ROI-driven medium enables direct sales. Ads on Google Ads or price comparison sites are perfect examples. They capture consumers’ attention at the precise moment they are ready to buy. In contrast, influencer marketing works differently. On social networks, consumers are often there to entertain themselves, connect with others, and not necessarily to buy.

Moreover, it is often impossible to place direct links in influencers’ posts (except on YouTube or LinkedIn, in Instagram stories, or in bios.. but overall social networks do everything to prevent audiences from escaping), which complicates precise tracking of campaign performance in terms of sales. This means that influencer marketing is not designed to generate immediate sales as transparently as traditional online advertising.

Undeniable Advantages

Despite this, influencer marketing offers many advantages. Firstly, it helps develop deep consumer attachment to the brand. The influencer, by sharing opinions and recommendations, creates what is known as the “best-friend effect” or “good friend effect.” When your friend recommends a pizzeria, you are more likely to believe them and go there, much more than based on an anonymous review on TripAdvisor. Influencers bring this personal credibility on a large scale.

Influencer marketing also amplifies word-of-mouth. Bill Bernbach, the founder of the DDB agency, once said that word-of-mouth is the best medium. Indeed, influencer marketing is a modern and amplified version of this phenomenon, using social networks to spread recommendations exponentially. Events like the GP Explorer with Squeezie or collaborations like those of Léna Situation with Adidas illustrate the power of influencer marketing. These campaigns can generate hundreds of thousands of sales thanks to the credibility of influencers and their relationship with their community.

The Unavoidable Presence on Social Networks

Today, traditional television and print media audiences are increasingly migrating to social networks. To effectively reach its consumer, a brand must be present where its audiences are. This can be done through three main levers: the brand’s social accounts, advertising on platforms like Meta or TikTok, and of course, influencers. Activating these three levers in a complementary manner is essential to maximize the reach and impact of communication campaigns.

A Revealing Study

A study conducted among 50 marketing and communication decision-makers revealed that influencer marketing is perceived as the most comprehensive medium compared to others, such as print, television, radio, emailing, SEO, SEM, and affiliation. Why? Because it allows responding to a multitude of communication objectives: rejuvenating the target audience, developing engagement, creating attractive content, and even selling, although this is not its primary goal.

How to Implement Influencer Marketing Campaigns?

To get the most out of influencer marketing, it is crucial to plan and execute campaigns well. A key question is whether to internalize these efforts or outsource them through a specialized agency. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages

It is also important to choose between micro and macro influencers. Micro-influencers, with their smaller but highly engaged audiences, can be very effective for targeted campaigns. Macro-influencers, with their massive reach, are ideal for large-scale campaigns.

Finally, selecting the right social network is crucial. Each platform has its specificities and target audiences. For example, Instagram is excellent for visual and lifestyle campaigns, while LinkedIn is suitable for B2B.

In Summary

In summary, influencer marketing, although not a ROI-driven medium, is an exceptionally powerful tool. It allows for the creation of emotional connections, benefits from the credibility of influencers, and reaches audiences where they spend most of their time. With a well-thought-out strategy and the support of experts like those at Influence4You, brands can leverage this medium to achieve a multitude of communication objectives and strengthen their market presence.

Ecrit par Stéphane Bouillet

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