WHOLESALE GOODS – How to use influence marketing to reach 15-35 year olds?

Wholesale Goods

Are you a wholesale goods brand? Influence marketing is essential for you!

Do you have a wholesale distributor brand (or are you a wholesale distributor yourself) and want to reach 15-35 year olds? Bad news: old recipes don’t work anymore, for two reasons: 15-35 year olds don’t watch media in the same way as the previous generation (they no longer watch TV, listen to the radio or read newspapers)… and they’re no longer sensitive to a brand’s sales pitch (they want authenticity and a real dialogue, not a force-fed formatted message).

Good news though, we have the solution: work with influencers… But do it correctly! Just because you’ve put influencers in your plan, it doesn’t mean it’ll work…

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WHOLESALE GOODS - How to use influence marketing to reach 15-35 year olds?

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