Influence4You wins at the 34th Grands Prix COM-ENT

Influence4You wins at the 34th Grands Prix COM-ENT

Influence4You wins at the 34th Grands Prix COM-ENT

Influence4You wins at the 34th Grands Prix COM-ENT

The annual COM-ENT awards bring together the most inspiring work done in the communications sector. This year, out of 177 candidate campaigns, 6 of the most inspiring were selected.

We are extremely honoured to have won the Bronze award for the category ‘Prix de la campagne d’intérêt général’ (Best public service campaign) for our campaign “ONU Femmes France #LeFéminicideDansLaLoi”

This is now the 8th prize for the campaign focused on raising awareness about Feminicides in France and was created in collaboration with our partner Gloryparis and S2R Starbrand.

This campaign was an opportunity for us, at our level, to contribute to the fight against violence against women and to encourage the authorities to have the term ‘feminicide’ engraved in the law.

A huge thank you to all the influencers who got involved!

Here is a short recap video of our campaign:

You can find the 8 awards that this campaign has won so far:

 Prix d’or du magazine Stratégies et Grand Prix Stratégie de la communication d’engagement

 Prix Coup de Cœur Mention Spécial du jury de la nuit des Rois par Viuz

 Grand Prix Stratégies du Digital Bronze – catégorie “Creativity For Good”

 Le Prix Promotion des Grandes Causes par le Numérique aux Cas d’Or du Digitale Responsable

 Le Prix Spécial du Jury aux Cas d’Or du Digitale Responsable

 Prix Or dans la Catégorie Campagne RP/d’influence intégrée grand public / Campagne d’intérêt général

And today the Bronze award for the category ‘Prix de la campagne d’intérêt général’ (Best public service campaign) for our campaign “ONU Femmes France #LeFéminicideDansLaLoi”



More information on COM-ENT


Ecrit par Yi Lian Nee

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